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My Mom Bod Hurts

Moms rarely find time for themselves. If we do, we certainly don't want to spend it admitting we are getting older and noticing more aches and pains. And we definitely don't want to admit that we don't always have our shit together. Here you'll find some advice on how to treat those mom pains; from a professional physical therapist, and an okay mom 👌
//physical therapy blog//mom blog//life blog

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Let’s talk about sex, baby

Ha! For as many times as I’ve drunkenly danced to that song in college, I don’t think I actually really thought about those lyrics. In...

Why do I suck at running?

Running is hard. Really freaking hard. I'm so bad at running that one time while running with my husband I tripped over a crack in the...

Headache: hangover orrrr other?

How much did I drink last night? Did I sleep funny? Did I get enough sleep? Do I have Covid-19? Did I drink enough coffee? Why do I have...

Yoga is not for everyone!

You might be a yoga fanatic. You might strongly dislike yoga. You might strongly dislike me already for this post. Or you may be in my...

What a pain in my A$$!

Nope, I'm not talking about my husband. Or my unrestrained toddlers. I'm talking about so many literal pains in my butt since becoming...

Diastasis recti does not sound pleasant...

They couldn't have named it something more apparent like "my muscles ripped because I carried life around in my stomach for 9 months"?...

My back hurts! Now what?!

The outbreak of the coronavirus has triggered a work from home frenzy. The work from home frenzy has triggered more aches and pains from...

Breastfeeding hurts!

Oh! Don't I know this one. You may be reading this post because either A) breastfeeding ACTUALLY freaking hurts your nipples OR B) your...

I peed a little 😒

My oldest son is 4 years old. My youngest son is 2. I still have to cross my legs when I sneeze. Again, I'm a physical therapist, I know...

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