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My Mom Bod Hurts

Moms rarely find time for themselves. If we do, we certainly don't want to spend it admitting we are getting older and noticing more aches and pains. And we definitely don't want to admit that we don't always have our shit together. Here you'll find some advice on how to treat those mom pains; from a professional physical therapist, and an okay mom 👌
//physical therapy blog//mom blog//life blog

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My mental health?...Oh, I don't have time

Here it is. May again. This one is for the parents. Mental Health Awareness month. While some of us may not have a tangible diagnosis of...

Silently suffering

When did life get so complicated? Like, what the hell happens when you turn 35, and why?! Through conversations with friends over the...

5 beginner exercises to try at home

Gyms can be intimidating! So much equipment, so many people, so many eyes staring at you. I had a patient tell me today that she went to...

4 topics to avoid around kids

On Monday I found myself in the pediatricians office with my son as a result of complaints of a headache, ear pain, and neck and back...

Teach ‘em young

The biggest parenting mistake of all time: not letting your kids play independently. Yep. And I'm living my mistake. I literally just had...

Makin' mommin' look easy...

Have you guys ever heard or used the phrase "I mommed so hard today?" As in, boom, I woke up, worked out, did 6 loads of laundry, prepped...

Caregiver burnout

Sometimes I have a hard time deciding if I'm burnt out because I'm tired from working in healthcare in a world where people are feeling...

Feet need love, too

Do your feet just ache or throb at the end of the day? Do they hurt your first couple of steps out of bed? Do they feel tired after a...

Where did all the empathy go?!

I pretty much walked into work today with an “I hate everyone” attitude. Which would be fine and normal and all… if I didn’t work in a...

Sleep, baby, sleep!

How to get your baby to sleep in 10 easy steps: Rock your baby to sleep But don’t rock your baby to sleep Use a pacifier But don’t use a...

Self-Care is the best care

Low energy. Moodiness. Fatigue. Stress. Frustration. I could go on with more, but all of these words could certainly describe me at any...

Morning stiff...ness

Picture this. 6:36 am, you’ve snoozed your alarm 4 times, you finally step foot out of bed and literally everything hurts. Aches in the...

Mental Health Advocate

It's finally May! May brings a lot of things. May flowers, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's day, the Kentucky Derby, WARMER WEATHER (?!). More...

Preventing injury

Anyone else impatiently awaiting nicer weather? (those of you in warm climates need not retort) Spring into summer is my busy season. All...

Stop apologizing!

I mean, definitely still apologize if you fucked up. I'm talking, stop apologizing for making decisions about your own life that...

Therapy...retail therapy

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you're sad and you know it, spend your husband's money? Emotions have never really...

Girls actually DON’T suck

Today was a rough day. My husband is in Mexico, so obviously my kids get Covid. I’ve been single momming it since Wednesday, my kids are...

Is my family complete??

Has anyone else found themselves googling this question on a weekly basis? In my head I’m like “somebody out there has got to be able to...

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